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Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is housing that has been specially designed or modified to suit the needs of people who have an 'extreme functional impairment' or 'very high support needs'. Some people will be eligible for this funding as part of their NDIS package.


There are 4 types of accommodation that people may qualify for to suit their high care needs.


Improved Livability  -  Offers a reasonable level of physical access and enhanced provision for people with sensory, intellectual or cognitive impairment. 


Fully Accessible  - Housing that has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment. For example a person may qualify if they are in a manual wheelchair and require rooms with extra turning circle and better bathroom access. 


Robust -  For people that need housing that is resilient and need less reactive maintenance and reducing the risk to the participant and the community. This is particularly suitable for people with behaviours of concern to property, themselves or others. 


High Physical Support  - Properties are designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment and requiring very high levels of support. Often people that require a ceiling hoist for care provision and are in wheelchair may qualify for this level of housing. 




Separate from funding for SDA, there is also NDIS funding to help people live independently called Supported Independent Living funds (SIL Supports). This funding covers the costs for carers to come on-site and help people in their homes and also includes on-site overnight support if required.


Adaptive Housing only provides SDA which is the housing component of support, a place to rent and call your own. SIL provision can be organised through a separate agency registered with the NDIS and you negotiate the hours and level of support that is required.


SIL or care supports can be provided in homes for people with some needing individual care 24 hours a day. Some participants will only have support for a few hours a day. Some properties offered by Adaptive Housing are built in small clusters. EG. 4 units.  Participants if their SIL funding allow may bring their own care team of their choice for support into their home, often having a carer stay overnight in the second bedroom.


Some participants maybe exiting hospital and would like to connect with care teams already on-site and they only need a few hours of support a day.  There are many different ways to organise care supports on-site and Adaptive Housing supports participants to pick the provider of their choce. 


To be eligible for a home with Adaptive Housing
you will need NDIS funding called SDA.

If you are not sure if you are eligible or want to know more
about the process please call us on PH: 0420970453 

Cheerful young infantile cerebral palsy



Other criteria for eligibility to live in an Adaptive Housing home include:


  • Aged between 18-64 years of age. You can be over 65 if SDA is already approved in your plan. 

  • Be rated as approved for the SDA category with a funding level for the type of home requested.

  • Be willing to enter into a tenancy agreement and want a long term accommodation option.

  • Make a reasonable rent contribution, the amount is set by the NDIA.

Adaptive Housing is proud  to have qualified to be an active member of the SDA Alliance with its commitment to innovation and best practice in SDA provision.

Adaptive Housing acknowledges that our work in the community takes place on the Traditional Lands of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We respectfully recognise their elders, past, present and emerging. 


 Phone:    0420 970 453

Address:  P.O. Box 522,

              Doncaster, 3108

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