Building and Managing
bespoke SDA properties for rent.
At Adaptive Housing we build customised, Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) to rent for eligible NDIS participants.
We build bespoke SDA properties for people who want to live by themselves or 2 or 3 bedroom shared homes upon request. All our properties are offered as long term rentals. They are designed to be people's forever homes and as Adaptive Housing only delivers SDA housing we support tenants choice and control for SIL provision.
Our point of difference, we also manage the properties ourselves with over 25 years of frontline experience in the disability sector.
Through collaboration, we work with you or loved ones and relevant stakeholders including support services from initial inquiry through to transition into the home.
Adaptive Housing is focused on creating quality homes for eligible tenants that becomes a place to call their own.
This is very affordable, premium accommodation for people to build on their independence and feel very secure for the long term.
Bloom Apartments

These architecturally designed homes are built with wheelchair users in mind. Each home is fully accessible inside and out, including private gardens.
Each home has also achieved above 7-star efficiency rating including excellent heating and cooling provisions setting
a benchmark standard for SDA accommodation.
Completed Project
Bloom Apartments - Located in Ballarat, Victoria.
The Bloom Apartments offers
5 ground floor High Physical Support Apartments available for rent, and is now operational. This property is fully tenanted.

Large master bedroom with hoist provisions if required.
Second bedroom/study for extra space for study or work/or if a family member stays over.
Accessible bathroom with slip-resistant flooring.
Very wide hallways at 1600mm and all doorways are over 1 metre wide.
Accessible kitchen with remote access rangehood and induction cooktop.
Side opening oven, easy access drawer dishwasher.
Accessible private backyard per apartment and access to a communal BBQ/garden area.
Assistive technology ready for all doors/blinds to open automatically if required.
Reverse cycle air conditioning and underfloor heating set to your preferred temperature to keep you cool in summer and cosy warm during the coldest of winters.
Solar-powered services are included to greatly reduce utility costs also providing back up power, in the event of a blackout.
Adaptive Housing also offers Medium Term Accommodation in the Ballarat, Geelong and Shepparton areas. Each property has between 2 and 3 bedrooms and some are wheelchair accessible. All properties are fully furnished and you can bring the SIL team of your choice. Each property is for a person to live in by themselves with their care team but can be shared if that suits the participant.

Adaptive Housing can support the process for a Self Build SDA property dependent on location. We are also happy to speak with individuals about this process for themselves or for a family member. Our build focus is Melbourne in the Northern, Eastern and Western areas, Geelong, Ballarat and Shepparton.
To make an inquiry about any of our properties or up coming builds. MTA's, Self builds please call us on Ph: 0420970453 or email info@adaptivehousing.com.au